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2 women chatting with a cup of tea, on the sofa

Need Help?

Live Your Best Life Now with Palhep

Palhelp for anyone in Southern Tasmania, with a life-limiting palliative condition. Palhelp can help you to live your best life now.

Volunteer companionship at home, in the community or in healthcare settings. Advance Care planning help. Life story biography. Spending time with you each week, doing what matters most to you.

Programs & Services

Palhelp offers a range of programs and services aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals living with a palliative illness. You may benefit from volunteer companionship at home, in the community, and for trips to hospital. Each week a volunteer spends time with you at home, or in the community. A regular volunteer may accompany you to planned hospital appointments.


Volunteer Companionship

Our volunteer companionship program is dedicated to providing compassionate support  to individuals with life-limiting palliative conditions. We believe in the power of human connection to enhance your wellbeing   through meaningful interactions and companionship.

Life Story Biography

Every individual has a unique story to tell, and at Palhelp, we are dedicated to capturing and preserving these narratives. Our life story biography service allows individuals to reflect on their life experiences and create a personalized biography that can be cherished by their loved ones.

Available from September 2024

Palliative Care in the Community

Palhelp is all about your social and emotional wellbeing, offering 2-3 hrs support to individuals and their families. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that individuals receive the care and attention they deserve, promoting comfort and dignity during challenging times and giving carers a well-earned break

a woman and her volunteer companion looking at a photo on her mobile
My LifeStory biographer taking down a few notes
Older woman and her volunteer companion sitting on a park bench chatting

Advance Care Planning

At Palhelp, we understand the importance of making informed decisions about future healthcare, social and emotional welfare preferences. Our Advance Care planning help is aimed at assisting individuals in documenting their wishes and preferences regarding medical care, ensuring that their values and choices are honored.

Young woman and her Mum enjoying a moment together

Walking Through Grief

Bereaved? You are not alone. Join a fortnightly support group of people who are bereaved, following the death of  a relative or friend, after a palliative illness.

Walking and talking, listening and being heard by people in a similar situation can help you to endure and work through the pain for grief and loss.

It's a social group and getting out for a brief walk can be very helpful

 old friends meet again

Healthcare Setting Companionship

We understand the importance of companionship in healthcare settings, and our volunteers are dedicated to providing compassionate support to individuals in hospitals, hospices, and other healthcare facilities. Our companionship services aim to alleviate feelings of isolation and provide emotional support to individuals.

a Palhelp visit in hospital

Contact Us

Thank you for considering getting in touch with us. We would love to hear from you and any questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form or by phone. We look forward to hearing you soon.

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162 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000

(03) 6231 9249

Palhelp is part of Hospice Volunteers South Tas Inc.

ABN: 40 673 032 407

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